Suse developers, join us!
Por toda a comunidade se multiplicam os pedidos à comunidade de programadores da Suse, para virarem as costas á agora Microsoft & Suse/Novell, Inc, e se juntem a outras comunidades de software livre. O ultimo pedido que apareceu veio dum certo senhor da Canonical, um tal de Mark Shuttleworth que deixou este apelo:
"If you have an interest in being part of a vibrant community that cares about keeping free software widely available and protecting the rights of people to get it free of charge, free to modify, free of murky encumbrances and “undisclosed balance sheet liabilities”, then please do join us."
O "join us" refere-se naturalmente, ao Ubuntu....
"If you have an interest in being part of a vibrant community that cares about keeping free software widely available and protecting the rights of people to get it free of charge, free to modify, free of murky encumbrances and “undisclosed balance sheet liabilities”, then please do join us."
O "join us" refere-se naturalmente, ao Ubuntu....
2 comentários:
24 novembro, 2006 21:28
Come to the dark side LOOL :p
24 novembro, 2006 22:59
Pelo contrário! Come to the Force! Leave the dark side before be too late....
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